Kévin kevin@mmn.ca

Open on mmn.ca

Hello Internaute, I started writing things on the internet back when it was basically AOL, made a few little sites and then found #LiveJournal in #y2k. Been journalling, then blogging, and whatever we call it next. This is my server, these are my words, come and enjoy them #fedi22


Latest articles

oh.mg email and why the new internet is shit

I haven't slept much and I'm making decisions based on an ever changing financial situation and mental abilities

I’m still alive

Just a post indicating I'm not dead yet

OH.MG Email Broke

Well fuckity fuck

Fuckin McZucken

The plague upon the modern internet

Got no brainz, just brain dead

Brain fart but in blog form

Fédiverse français - J'ai des questions sur les aspects juridiques du freelancing

C'est un article de blog car il est beaucoup trop long pour être un pouet